About TechFuture

TechFuture Summer Camp, now in its second version, is an engaging and interactive five-week program designed to facilitate the development of technical skills while ensuring an enjoyable learning experience in the realm of IT.

The core paths offered during the summer camp will equip participants with the necessary knowledge and expertise to make informed decisions regarding their future career paths. Whether participants aspire to become web developers, mobile application developers, cybersecurity experts, data scientists, or AI specialists, TechFuture Summer Camp will provide them with a solid foundation.

The camp will bring together a distinguished group of technology experts, academics, and practitioners who will deliver training sessions and engaging talks, sharing their expertise and industry insights.

Each path/course will span five weeks, consisting of a total of 20 hours of dedicated learning. Participants will engage in practical exercises, hands-on activities, and collaborative projects to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter.

As part of the camp, participants can engage in "Crash Workshops," which are one to two-day sessions focusing on various fields. These workshops offer hands-on learning experiences in a range of software and tools, including Adobe Photoshop for image editing, Adobe Illustrator for drawing, Adobe Premiere for video editing, Scratch for simple game development, Blender for creating 3D elements, After Effects for animating characters, and Figma for website design basics. These workshops provide an immersive and intensive environment for participants to explore and develop practical skills in their chosen areas of interest.

TechFuture Summer Camp is dedicated to fostering participants' enthusiasm for technology, elevating their technical aptitude, and offering valuable networking prospects. By the culmination of the camp, participants will have acquired profound insights into their chosen paths, equipping them to embark on further educational pursuits or pursue fulfilling careers in their desired domains.

Guests & Facilitators

AI & Deep Learning: Sayed Husain Saleh

Cyber Security: Ahmed Shukrallah

Mobile Applications: Dr. Jenan Moosa and Mr. Mohammed Badaw

Web Development: Abdulrahman Sharea

Learning Python: Noor Al Sayed

Why TechFuture is Different?

Approved Programs

TechFuture Summer Camp offers courses approved by the Higher Education Council, ensuring quality education

Hosted by Ahlia University

The camp takes place at Ahlia University, known for its academic excellence

Industry-focused programs

The camp provides industry-relevant curriculum to equip participants with in-demand skills

Hands-on training

TechFuture Summer Camp emphasizes practical learning through hands-on exercises

Networking and mentorship

Participants have networking opportunities and access to mentorship from industry professionals

Career support

The camp gives assistance with career advancement, including resume building and extra-sessions

Path 1: AI & Deep Learning

5 weeks, 20 Hours

The Basic and Introduction to AI & Deep Learning course provides participants with a foundational understanding of artificial intelligence (AI) and deep learning concepts. Through theoretical explanations, practical examples, and hands-on exercises, participants will gain insight into the fundamental principles of AI and deep learning algorithms.


  • Introduction to Artificial Intelligence: Overview, Applications, and Historical Context.
  • Machine Learning Fundementals: Basic of supervised and unsupervised learning.
  • Data Minig: Extracting patterns, trends, and insights from large dataassets.
  • Neural Networks: Introduction to neural networks and their role in deep learning.
  • Deep Learning Architectures: Exploring popular architectures like CSSs and RNNs.
  • Ethical and Social Implications of AI: Considerin the societal impact and responsible AI Development.


  • Develop a foundational understanding of AI and deep learning concepts
  • Learn techniques for data extraction, manipulation, and visualization
  • Understand the fundamentals of neural networks and their role in deep learning
  • Gain practical experience in building and training deep learning models


  • Basic understanding of programming concepts
  • Familiarity with a programming language such as Python is beneficial but not mandatory

Path 2: Cyber Security

5 weeks, 20 Hours

Data is valuable. With so much sensitive information online, companies need cybersecurity pros to protect it. This course is a great starting point for anyone interested in cybersecurity, but not sure where to start. Build your foundation by learning the fundamentals of one of the fastest-growing fields today.

This learning path covers the core technical skills that will allow you to succeed as a junior penetration tester. Upon completing this path, you will have the practical skills necessary to perform security assessments against web applications and enterprise infrastructure.- Introduction to Offensive security.


  • Introduction to defensive security
  • Linux basics
  • Introduction to penetration testing
  • Careers in cyber security


At the end of the course: Upon completing this course, you will have the practical skills necessary to kickstart your career in cyber security and perform security assessments against web applications and enterprise infrastructure.


You need a basic understanding of fundamental computing principles.

Path 3: Mobile Applications Development

5 weeks, 20 Hours

This path will lead you to be able to develop mobile applications at the most basic level. It will cover the fundamentals of Modern Android Development (MAD) using Kotlin language, new android development tools, API’s and distribution technologies. To developers be productive and create better Apps that run across millions of devices. Attending this course will give you the knowledge to build a new app from scratch and set you on the path to accelerate your career in Mobile application development.


  • Introduction
  • Kotlin Basics
  • Layouts
  • Navigation
  • Presistence (elective)
  • WorkManager (elective)


By the end of the course, you will be able to:

  • Use Kotlen playground
  • Build your application and enhance the user interface
  • Enhance your user’s navigation
  • Keep your app working through any disruptions to essential network
  • Learn how to use WorkManager


Basic knowledge of any programming language.

Path 4: Web Development

5 weeks, 20 Hours

In this path you will get the hands-on skills you need to be web developer. Here you can create web pages using the basic languages ​​HTML and CSS, then develop further and learn the JavaScript programming language to build interactive pages. Finally, you will be learning about PHP and how to create your own website with WordPress. No previous IT background is required.


  • Web Development - Basic Introduction
  • Web Development - Basic tools
  • HTML Tags and Attributes
  • CSS Classes and Ids for styling web page elements
  • How to use Javascript to make interactive web pages
  • How to build up web pages through PHP
  • Learn Wordpress


  • Produce a HTML web page using suitable tags and attributes
  • Apply classes and ids style to a web page
  • Produce an interactive website using Javascript
  • Build up a website through Wordpress


No previous IT background is required.

Path 5: AI and Data Science

5 weeks, 20 Hours

In the Learn Python Language course, participants will embark on a comprehensive journey to master the Python programming language. This course is designed for beginners who have little to no prior experience with coding. Through hands-on exercises and practical examples, participants will develop a solid foundation in Python and gain the skills necessary to write efficient and effective code.


  • Introduction to Python: Overview, syntax, and basic concepts.
  • Variables and Data Types: Understanding data types and manipulation.
  • Control Flow and Loops: Conditional statements, loops, and decision-making.
  • Functions and Modules: Creating reusable code and utilizing modules.
  • Data Structures: Exploring lists, tuples, dictionaries, and sets.
  • File Handling: Reading from and writing to files, manipulating file data.
  • Error Handling: Handling exceptions and errors in Python programs.
  • Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming: Principles and implementation in Python.


By the end of the Learn Python Language course, participants will have acquired a solid understanding of Python fundamentals, enabling them to write functional code, solve problems, and pave the way for further exploration in the Python ecosystem.


By the end of the Learn Python Language course, participants will have acquired a solid understanding of Python fundamentals, enabling them to write functional code, solve problems, and pave the way for further exploration in the Python ecosystem.

Crash Workshops

Timing for each one: 11:00 am – 02:00 pm.

  • Adobe Photoshop: Image Editing
  • Adobe Illustrator: Drawing
  • Adobe Premiere: Video Editing
  • Scratch: Simple Game Development
  • Blender: Creating 3D Element
  • After Effects: Animating Characters
  • Figma: Website Design Basics


AI & Deep Learning 5:30 – 8:30 5:30 – 8:30
Cyber Security 5:00 – 7:00 5:00 – 7:00
Mobile Applications 6:00 – 8:00 6:00 – 8:00
Web Development 5:30 – 7:30 5:30 – 7:30
Learning Python 5:30 – 8:30 5:30 – 8:30

If you are looking to register for more than one track please go through the below before you go ahead.

To avoid any clash of times between programs, you can register in more than one program according to the options below.

Option 1

  • Web Development
  • Mobile Development
  • Game Development or Cyber Security

Option 2

  • Game Development
  • Mobile Development
  • AI & Data Science or Web Development

Option 3

  • Mobile Applications
  • Web Development or AI & Data Science
  • Cyber Security or Game Development

Option 4

  • Cyber Security
  • Mobile Development
  • Web Development or AI & Data Science

Option 5

  • AI & Data Science
  • Mobile Development
  • Game Development or Cyber Security

Registration Form

Available paths
Available workshops
Payment Method

Benefit Payment Information

Please include the transaction description displayed below.

  • IBAN: BH29 NBOB 0000 0099 2220 00
  • Transaction Description: TechFuture
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